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Your DAMN Manifesto

Discover the Keys to Personal Transformation and Bringing Your Biggest Dreams to Life


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"Bevin's framework is easy to follow and tangible. Bevin gives you the tough love (in the sweetest way) to stop making excuses and just do the damn thing already."


Author of Two Weeks Notice, Podcast Host, and creator of The Digital Course Academy

"Everybody should be using the DAMN framework. You’ll look back and be thankful that you did."


Author of Boss Mom

Praise for Bevin

Your energy is infectious and your story is inspirational. You have forever impacted my life from our brief conversation.

Jaime Marco
Podcast Host

Bevin's style is supportive and encouraging but she also does not hesitate to point out blind spots you may be missing.

Allison Schaaf
Founder of Miscarriage
Hope Desk

I love Bevin's story. If more women had her courage, the world would be a better place.

Swapna Patel
Founder & Stylist
Style Remix 

You can do it!
Bevin’s terrific and SO helpful.

Sarah Ariaudo
Mindful Based Healing

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Have you ever paused to wonder if the world's blueprint of "success" truly resonates with who you are? Your DAMN Manifesto: Discover the Keys to Personal Transformation and Bringing Your Biggest Dreams to Life challenges that one-size-fits-all narrative and beckons you to redefine success on your own terms.

Inside these pages, you'll find a blend of heartfelt anecdotes and actionable tools. There's a story about how the TRIP Filter led to a long awaited pregnancy (you read that right) juxtaposed with the transformative power of the PAD Method and the profound insights of the Six-Dimensional Why™. These stories and strategies all converge to illuminate one vital truth: your unique "YES" is out there, waiting to be discovered.

Embarking on the journey to realize your dreams may seem daunting, but Your DAMN Manifesto transforms that very journey into an exhilarating, graspable adventure. Dive deep into the significance of your personal DAMN Manifesto, an empowering testament to your dreams and aspirations that serves as your touchstone in times of doubt and frustration. This book doesn’t just inspire; it hands you practical, actionable steps, rooted in the philosophy of Micro-Actions, to break free from inertia and harness the momentum you inherently possess.

Your Title Here

Every great ambition starts small. Micro-Actions are the tiny, yet immensely powerful steps, which serve as your gateway to conquering your aspirations. By taking baby steps, climbing your metaphorical mountain "tree by tree", you circumvent overwhelm and progress consistently towards your goal.

Rooted in a compassionate understanding of human potential and limitation, the book concludes with an evocative call to action: it's time to "Do the DAMN Thing!" With Bevin's heartfelt guidance, you're not only equipped to initiate action but also inspired to maintain it, leveraging both your inner drive and the invaluable DAMN Manifesto. Because when it comes to chasing your dreams, now truly is the time. Your dreams, your passions, and your aspirations are worth every ounce of effort. Dive in, start small, but most importantly, start now.
So, embark on this journey with "The DAMN Manifesto". It's more than just a book—it's an invitation to craft a life that echoes your innermost desires and ambitions. Isn't it time you found your authentic "YES"?

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What You'll Learn

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David Smith

Marketing Director

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

Mary Jane

Marketing Director

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

John Carrey

Marketing Director

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

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Your DAMN Manifesto

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About the Author
Bevin Farrand
As seen on...

Bevin Farrand is the founder of the Take the DAMN Chance movement and creator of the Do the DAMN Thing Method®. Yes, she says "DAMN" a lot but it does mean something.
After unexpectedly becoming a widow at 40, and after looking back at both the hardest things she'd been through and the most amazing things she'd created, Bevin created the Do the DAMN Thing Method®, which starts with crafting your own DAMN Manifesto.

Bevin's is: To share the DAMN Framework with as many people as possible, in as many ways as possible, in order to create a thriving sustainable business that both supports and inspires her family and the world.

Using her own framework, she's built two businesses to over $300K each, become a keynote speaker, delivered a TEDx talk, and now published her first book. Perhaps what she's most proud of is being a solo mama that both supports and inspires her kiddos. In 2021 she brought her biggest and boldest dream to life (literally) when she gave birth to her third child 20 months after Mark passed away, using embryos they had previously frozen.
Bevin is passionate about sharing this message with the world through her keynote presentations, podcast, courses, and book. She is committed to Taking the DAMN Chance every day, and supporting YOU to do the same.